Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. The Golden Gate Quartet  Swing Down Chariot  The Tofu Hut - The Work of The Father, pt. 3 
 2. The Golden Gate Quartet  Swing Down Chariot  The Tofu Hut - The Work of The Father, pt. 3 
 3. Louis Armstrong  8. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot  Louis and The Good Book 
 4. Glenn Miller USAAF  Swing Low Sweet Chariot   
 5. Glenn Miller USAAF  Swing Low Sweet Chariot   
 6. Glenn Miller USAAF  Swing Low Sweet Chariot   
 7. Glenn Miller USAAF  Swing Low Sweet Chariot   
 8. Gayle Russ  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Spirituals Like You've Never Heard Before 
 9. Black Swan Classic Jazz Band  Swing Low, Sweet Chariot  Feel the Spirit 
 10. Gayle Russ  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Spirituals Like You've Never Heard Before 
 11. Beyonce  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  The Fighting Temptations   
 12. The Golden Gate Quartet  Swing Down, Sweet Chariot  The Tofu Hut - The Work of The Father, pt. 3  
 13. William Welter, Mike Godfrey  Swing Low, Sweet Chariot  PeaceFest 2005, Unity Church, Omaha, NE 
 14. Anna Egge  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Luxury Wafers Session 
 15. Ladysmith Black Mambazo  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Others  
 16. The famous golden gate quartet  Swing low sweet chariot   
 17. Jorge Felipe Montaldo  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Hunab-Ku 
 18. Louis Armstrong  Swing Low, Sweet Chariot  Louis and the Good Book 
 19. The Chambers Brothers  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Lou Curtiss Collection 
 20. English  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  autre rugby 
 21. Elvis Presley  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Amazing Grace 
 22. Elvis Presley  Swing Down Sweet Chariot  The Tofu Hut - The Work of The Father, pt. 3   
 23. Elvis Presley  Swing Down Sweet Chariot  The Tofu Hut - The Work of The Father, pt. 3   
 24. Louis Armstrong  8. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot  Louis and The Good Book 
 25. Louis Armstrong  8. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot  Louis and The Good Book 
 26. The famous golden gate quartet  Swing low sweet chariot   
 27. The Golden Gate Quartet  Swing Down, Sweet Chariot  The Tofu Hut - The Work of The Father, pt. 3  
 28. The Dead Hours  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Dead Girl's Waltz  
 29. The Dead Hours  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Dead Girl's Waltz  
 30. Ladysmith Black Mambazo  Swing Low Sweet Chariot  Others  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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